Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Cluck, cluck, cluck...

The coop's still in a gloomy mood today. All hens are pecking around on the keyboard - I'd say only 50% are doing something productive.

I'm trying to do something productive as well. In my case I have to say blogging is it - me blogged about the poison pen letter against Malaysia's entertainment darling, Fz's wedding... which was a wonderful event to attend (nice food!) and a memorable roadtrip altogether...

Hey, I never said anything that associates productivity with work, did I?

Anyway being hens we all could not stop ourselves from clucking about the whole damn thing - I mean, c'mon - twenty of us applied and only one bloody application gets a nod? "Cannot be hohh...?" (That's my colleague still in denial stage.)

More were said about the whole damn thing. More speculations, more theories on why we didn't get our wings to fly - cluck, cluck, cluck!

I shall not wallow in self pity too long, I shall talk about something ceria to perk up my mood, I shall forget about the money I should've gotten... the amount I took so long to calculate... that nice 5-figure number...

But I can't! Not so easily!

Wargh.. I need a distraction! A cute guy! A dictionary! Two cute guys! A wrong number call! Three cute guys! A Kam-Kam toy! Four cute guys!

Ooh, I beginning to sound like Sesame Street's Count Dracula already - maybe I should go down and buy that famous fruit rojak. Maybe I should read that nasty email about Siti Nurhaliza again...

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