So I lepaked at PH for a few hours, not bumping into anyone special (unless you count that pakcik gatal who belanjaed us a drink, claiming to be an admirer of my sis' fashion style. It turned out that he's a Jaksa Pendamai of some kind - I don't even know if I heard the PH waiter right or not when he was telling my sis about the guy, as I was doing my best to get into the 3rd level of Magic II game on the borrowed Motorola E365).

At last the third set ended - for a Monday night, the place was quite crowded so we quickly made our escape. My sis talked to the drummer for a bit just before we leave to settle on the next soundcheck session or something - I wasn't paying attention cause I was about to hit the 3rd level on Magic II (I still have the E365 review unit cause the Motorola guys hasn't asked for it yet.)
We adjourned to the dingy mamak stall across PH cause my sis finally decided that she can eat something (she's been surviving on fruits for the past two days). We almost finished our nasi lemak and roti canais when the drummer suddenly made an appearance.
We thought he had come to reschedule the soundcheck or something, but instead he came to me and said, "Eh you got a fan lah!", at the same time he looked apologetically to my sis, as if asking permission for him to say this. Apparently the so-called fan is a PH regular who had seen us talking just now.
"My friend wants to get to know you, boleh ke?" I was in the midst of finishing my drink, so the drummer continued by asking something that sounded like, "Muka dia macam Wahid Senario, ndak tak?"
I choked, almost nak tersembur some of the teh o I was drinking. Just a few drops escaped though, not hurting anyone's make up, but unfortunately an awful gurgling noise escaped from my choking self in my effort to surpress a bigger disaster from happening. Why do I always have some drink in my mouth everytime someone makes a joke or tell me something unexpected like this?
And at the same time, this cute guy, whom I saw from a distance down at PH just now (but he didn't seem to as cute from a distance), came with his friend to join the suppering crowd at the very same mamak stall. And as the two of them settled at the table next to us, they inevitably caught my embarassing display of conduct!
My table-mates exploded with laughter - at my expense, mind you - and I can see the two guys at the next table sharing the amusement. Then my sis said "Considering in Senario, Wahid is the most good looking, you should go for it!" What a betrayal!
I finally told them - loud enough so that the guys at next table can eavesdrop without even trying - that there's no need to look as gorgeous as Wahid Senario to be my friend.
Which is a very true thing indeed. I love making friends. I like hanging out with various types of groups and I love learning about new stuff.
Tapi itu kalau kawan lah kan. Kalau nak jadi lebih dari kawan nak la yang hensem. There you go! I hereby admit I am the memilih kind!
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