Monday, September 13, 2004

Been away

Was away from the office for about four days last week - not just cause of the weekend - I was injured! I didn't even know how it happened.

Anyway the nice Dr K from the clinic downstairs gave me two days of MC for Thursday and Friday - right on the deadline... After declaring that I had a small hemorrhage on my right eye due to stress, he subsequently restrained me from watching tv, using computer, play video games, read and such.


On Thursday I was a good girl, patient and totally conformed to the pantangs, but on Friday I had to watch ze telly! I missed tv so much on Thursday that on Friday I even caught the Bajet 2005!

Though I was worried about my eye, I could not help but curi-curi tengok Pak Lah delivered the bajet live on TV3. He read the whole thing in a single shot, and garnered excited response from his audience (those present there) only twice, regarding the cigarette and liquor issues, which in fact was summed up within two sentences.

After the crowd died down, he said, "Cukuplah pasal isu rokok dan minuman keras ni," and went on with the rest of the bajet. And today, cigarettes are RM1.10 more expensive than yesterday...

And I'm still wondering (in fact since last year I was) why the government ditched that nice word "belanjawan" and used "bajet" instead... Bajet, badjet, bubblejet...

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