Thursday, August 04, 2011

I'm so beat

It's Ramadhan once again, and despite having colleagues leave earlier than I do to avoid traffic jam (which translates to me being able to go back early too) and not having too many events to attend, I am feeling sooooooooooo tired.

What's up?

I think it's age. It can't be lifestyle cause my lifestyle hasn't changed much.

So it is age. And the fact that I haven't been able to drink cups and cups of coffee since the holy month started.

I think the remedy might come in the form of Kopi Che Nah and Nescafe. Oooh I wonder what it would taste like if I fusion the two into a good pulled mug. Steaming hot. With kaya toast on the side.

I can't believe I'm still swayed by food during Ramadhan at this age!

Sigh. It's age.

Selamat berpuasa and selamat beribadat to all.

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