Friday, June 10, 2011

Isn't it ironic?

It's like raieain... on your wedding day
It's the free rideeeee.... that you've already paid
It's the good adviceeee... that you just didn't take

So sings Alanis... The song played on and on in my mind today after buying Vitagen from a small time agent slash roadside seller. So I SMSed my friend after lunch today.

"Eh, I tak faham la, what happened lah wei?" asked my friend.

"Takdelah, today after lunch as we were walking back to the office I saw one akak and her daugther selling Vitagen on the pavement outside my office. I got a bit kesian as well as ternostalgia sikit, you know when I was that girl's age Vitagen is a luxury. I feel jealous everytime the Vitagen van comes to school and friends buying in bulk to take home. My sis and I would feel so guilty to ask mom or dad for money to buy just a bottle each.... So I went to buy a pack of 5 for RM3.50 from the seller."

"Then what happened?"

"I was with three colleagues, and right after I bought them two of them started a conversation about the virtues of Vitagen. One of them said Vitagen can cause cancer, the other one said Vitagen can destroy vaginas."

"What the f... ?"

"The one who said Vitagen can cause cancer also said it is better if one takes Yakult."

"Really aah?"

"Not sure lah. My third colleague said she buys Vitagen for her kids, and that the bad rep on Vitagen could've been a doing of Yakult sales team. But you know how we drink colas and eat fried chicken? One has lots of sugar, can cause diabetes and the other is laden with cholesterol?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Just that we live dangerously."

"I was eating an apple this morning as I took the stairs down to the basement carpark - nearly choked when I saw a little girl with a big, ugly like hell dog on a leash. I thought I nearly died."

"What are you getting at?"

"Just that you can die from eating something as harmless as an apple."



"Hmm. Want a Vitagen?"


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