Monday, May 10, 2004

Talking in whispers

I'm back at the office so soon! Did I mentioned I was in office on Saturday to work? No? Well I did, and it was a real waste cause not too much got done.

That Saturday after that futile attempt at work, I went for a movie with my sis cause by that time she's up. Then we checked on our cousin who got knocked down by a Kancil a fortnight ago (we've been checking on her regularly since at Damansara Specialist Hosp cause she needed us to make sure none of her three BFs come to visit her at the same time - hey, that's what cousins are for!).

Back at work today - people are still talking in whispers, and I (wasn't eavesdropping, mind you) heard several names being mentioned more than once. Whoa, has anyone been selected for the deployment yet?

Man, I wish the management will just do it! The silence is destructive - it's demotivating a lot of people from doing their job, and some had to suffer more at other people's expense.

For example, throughout last week I've been assigned to a number late eve/night assignments - seems like I've been getting more assignments than usual cause some people have reduced to saying no in order to manifest protest to the upper level. With the special project my team had to do, my schedule's gone awful - like bad cholesterol filling up the arteries - I suffered backlog in terms of the usual workload, and tension rise.

Outside work I don't get to see anyone else much except my sis, cause by now our schedule seems to run parallel - we're nightowls, and we only get see other nightowls. When you only get to relax and unwind during ungodly hours, you can't see the usual crowd like your friends - and you began to realize that they've got a life - and you don't.

On the other hand, I'm beginning to have more sense of belonging with my colleagues (hell, being on the same boat). Many invited me to share the "news" they caught from the current grapevine - realiable or otherwise is besides the point - the point is knowledge sharing is done here, mate.

And I sing, que Sara, Sara...

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