This morning as I rush to a 9AM event I'm supposed to attend, I was confronted by the inevitable - traffic jam - which got worse as I check my watch.
I thought of taking a bus to main KL, and there are buses that stop right where I needed to be at, but as minutes pass I knew I had to take a cab if I want to reach the place on time.
I looked to my left and I saw a girl wearing a uniform of a cosmetic brand of which I happen to know has a shop near my destination. I dediced to go green and offer her to carpool, on my expense, of course.
I said to her, "Scusi miss, are you going to main KL cause I'm running late and I want to grab a cab, you wanna join me? I'll pay no worries."
She immediately gave me a spooked look. I tried again, "It's just that a cab fare is expensive and it's really not worth it if I'm the only one in it, since you look like you're heading that way too, I thought I'd just offer.."
"No." That's all she said, still looking as if I've just told her I'm converting her into my personal drug mule.
I said, "OK then, have a nice day."
A cab rolled by just in time for me to crash in, and the moment my butt made contact with the soft seat inside the spankin' new Saga FL taxi, it started to rain. As the cab swiftly head out to the highway, the rain poured harder and harder, making me think of the girl I spoke to at the bus stop and her nice rebonded hair and full make up.
I supposed I gotta respect her for not taking my offer - she may be just scared of things that seems to good to be true. A free ride in a comfy cab all the way to workplace could easily turn into a get-scammed-by-a-nice-lady-then-get-robbed-in-the-cab-by-the-boyfriend.
Wow, is that what we've come to? That folks in the urban area like KL need to be suspicious of others and it is harder now to be nice to people?
Too bad.
Anyway I got to the event I was supposed to attend. It started late, but it finished earlier than I had expected. So I decided to head to my actual workplace using public transport as it was near lunch time and traffic outside still did not look favourable.
As I head down to the nearest train station, a few promoters stopped me and offered brochures, while others hand out free samples.
Then a girl stopped me and asked if I can spare her 15 minutes to take a survey and try their new hand cream product which comes in four variety. "So sorry but I really don't have the time," I said without looking up.
"It's really not that long, you just put a bit in your hand and give us the feedback after letting your skin absorb it for two minutes, so four variety, 8 minutes only and a few more to write your feedback on the form. We'll give you a RM50 voucher to spend at our shop after you are done," she insisted.
I turned to her to decline once again, and whaddaya know, it was the girl at the bus stop. Her hair's all tied up now and looking a bit damped, obviously she got caught in a bit of a rain on her way to work.
I contemplated between saying no again just to spite her, or say yes just to prove to her I'm one of the few good guys left in this alam yang fana (read: pathetic world we live in).
Just as I was about to give her my answer, my mobile phone buzzed and the SMS from my superior flashed on screen, WHERE ARE YOU?
He's always asking me that each time it slipped that he sent me to attend events. Ah well. Not that I was going to say yes anyway.
And Michael Jackson sings,

Because I'm bad, I'm bad-come on
(Bad bad-really, really bad)
You know I'm bad, I'm bad-you know it
(Bad bad-really, really bad)
You know I'm bad, I'm bad-come on, you know
(Bad bad-really, really bad)
And the whole world has to answer right now
Just to tell you once again
Who's bad?