Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just once as flavour of the month

If you are a singer, you look for that loud applause that comes right after your last note. If you are a cook, you look for that clean-licked plate after that meal you've prepared. If you are a writer... you look for that varying reactions on people's face and the multiple conversations that follow.

Recently a colleague of mine churned out an interview piece with a minister, and it got many tongues wagging. Fellow journalists, editors, politically-inclined individuals, bloggers, people on the street, even my mates and my family were all talking about it.

I'm not one who's qualified to judge if the article is good, bad or excellent, but I must say I was truly impressed by the excitement it generated. The tempias feeling is already even more exciting that receiving an award - I wondered what it would be like to have come out with such an article; and to have even people who you knew but never knew you discuss it with their peers.

If previously I'm a bit unaware on just how big a room for improvement I'm supposed to be working with, now I guess I have a tiny inkling about what kind of "space" I'm up against.


Unknown said...

selamat tahun baru 2008

semoga panjang umur..murah rezeki

siti rosman said...

tq tq!