Some people get to go to really nice places due to work, but if anyone asks them "So was city X nice?" or "While you were in X, did you go to V and W?" and it's kinda sucks to reply "Didn't!".
Take This Chicken for example. This Chicken went to B to check out some cool egg materials which she did get a lumpful but upon fartin' them out the eggs were placed in one basket then dropped, leaving only a couple of farted eggs still in one piece. Imagine singing Purnama Merindu in front of a live audience but the mic went blargh and only the first couple of verse and the end tail were heard.
In any case while This Chicken was in B, the only time for getaway is weeeeeee early in the morning cause B gets sunrise early. Then it was all about eggsy work stuff. But above's a shot This Chicken feels pretty good about.