Thanks to whoever was previously using the Fifth Generation iPod 60GB unit I am currently reviewing, I am now hooked to this yesteryear hit, Beautiful Ones by Suede. Had you been a teen in the late 90s, Suede will be a really familiar name, alongside Weezer, Oasis and the likes...
Beautiful Ones
(Coming Up)
high on diesel and gasoline
psycho for drum machine
shaking their bits to the hits
drag acts, drug acts, suicides
in your dad's suits you hide
staining his name again
cracked up, stacked up, 22
psycho for sex and glue
lost it to Bostik, yeah
shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill
got too much time to kill
get into bands and gangs
oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones
loved up, doved up, hung around
stoned in a lonely town
shaking their meat to the beat
high on diesel and gasoline
psycho for drum machine
shaking their bits to the hits
oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones
you don't think about it,
you don't do without it,
because you're beautiful,
and if your baby's going crazy
that's how you made me,
la, la, la, la...
photo borrowed from www.glam-rock.de, lyrics from www.elyrics4u.com - thanks!
yuuhhuu...i like this song. suara sengau-sengau..haha..
"High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine
shaking their bits to the hits..."
actually, suede ni ok gak. bleh la layan. :-)
yahh... mari nyanyi berame-rame... hujan kan rahmat...
Heheh... Suede... Dulu nyaris nak dtg Msia, tp kensel!!
Cik Siti Rosman, nak tanya sikit. Gua confused dgn mamat bassist band ni.Namanya MAT OSMAN... Tapi orang mat saleh. Ni betui ke nama dia.
Kekekeke... mcm nama pak aji kat kg gua plak...
Itu la wa pun tatau amacam nama dia sudah itu macam. Matt Osmond tapi salah eja dlm IC kot.. Tak cukup kekotak dlm borang.. Tah Suede ni sekadar minat lagu je pun
Eh ye ke dulu diorg nak dtg tp kensel.. rugi siot.. music diorg best kalu ponggo2 berame2..
was reading this post and dan dan the song came blaring from my mp3, talk about timing eh...
they did performed in singapore thou yrs bek
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