Thursday, September 01, 2005

Espoo hoohoo!

When I say "hoohoo", I had more of a "boo hoo hoo" in mind, and a bit of "yoo hoo hoo".

After a lot of searching, it seems as if Espoo would be terribly cold (for most tropicanites anyway) around this time of the year, and most of their fests are over (e.g. Cinefest, Music Fest)... So that's boo hoo hoo.

The yoo hoo hoo part was due to the fact that yesterday, I managed to score a lovely winter jacket at 50% discount, making the RM179.00 good down to RM89.50, and to think I had budgeted RM250 to RM300 for it! So yoo hoo hoo for that!

The most important part is that there will be a chance for me to do what's expected, smoothly. Wish moi luck!

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